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Introducing Feedback Mechanism in DX-Portal

· One min read

We're excited to introduce a new feedback mechanism in the Developer Portal, making it easier than ever for users to share their thoughts and suggestions on specific pages.

What's New?

Our Developer Portal now features a feedback mechanism conveniently located at the bottom of every page. Previously, there was no direct way for users to provide input on portal content. This new, user-friendly feature allows users to quickly submit feedback, helping Developer Portal maintainers refine their content and improve API documentation.


Why it matters ?

User feedback is vital for continuous improvement, particularly in enhancing the developer experience. By enabling direct feedback, we empower users to influence the quality and usability of API documentation, driving better outcomes for the entire developer community.

Accessing Feedback

Developer Portal maintainers interested in reviewing collected feedback can contact our support team for access. This ensures that actionable insights are delivered to those responsible for maintaining and improving the portal.