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Enabling DX Analytics for All Team Members Within the API Portal

· 2 min read

Access to DX Analytics is no longer restricted to API Owners, the entire team can now track the performance of their API Portal.


APIMatic’s API Portal enables users to track important data points which can help measure the ROI(return on investment) of all API Documentation and Developer Experience efforts. These include metrics like Popular Pages, SDK Downloads and Time to Hello World (the amount of time taken from Documentation discovery to first API call). Read more about DX Analytics from the Introducing API Developer Experience Analytics Blog

Access to DX Analytics has so far been restricted to API owners - the users who initially created an API Portal. However, a large number of customers use APIMatic’s collaboration capabilities to build and maintain their API Portal as a team. We believe that every member of the team should have access to analytics data to quantify the impact of their efforts.

Therefore we are opening up access to DX Analytics for all team members.

How to Access DX Analytics for the API Portal?

You can view analytics for your API Portal by clicking on DX Analytics in your APIMatic Dashboard and selecting your Portal in the left sidebar.

In case you have not published an API Portal yet, but want to get a sense of what your Portal’s Analytics will look like, we have provided some sample data for you to play with.

DX Analytics Gif