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This rule belongs to the raml-validation ruleset and states that:

In RAML, custom types can be defined by extending the built-in or named types and then used like built-in types. Extending types must not create any cyclic dependencies.

Maximum SeverityError
MessageCyclic dependency found in the type declaration.
Rule SystemSemantic
Broad CategoryTypes
Products ImpactedAPI Transformer, Code Generation, Developer Experience Portal
Tagsraml semantic validation type declaration type cyclic

Suggested Fixes

  • Ensure that a type does not eventually depend on itself while extending types.
  • Identify the cyclic chain and break the loop e.g. if your type is A it may be possible that the dependency chain looks something like A -> B -> C -> A. In such cases the C -> A creates a cycle and needs to be modified so that the chain does not involve A itself again.

For More Information