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This rule belongs to the raml-validation ruleset and states that:

When root level uses property declares a list of libraries as key-value pairs, the key is treated as the library name of namespace and the value must be the location of a RAML library file, usually an external RAML library fragment document. This location must be valid and accessible. Unlike includes, the path to the library document must not start with !include. The location can be a absolute path (A path that begins with a single slash (/) and is interpreted relative to the root RAML file location.), relative path (A path that neither begins with a single slash (/) nor constitutes a URL, and is interpreted relative to the location of the included file.) or an absolute URL.

Maximum SeverityError
MessageProvided library path could not be resolved.
Rule SystemSemantic
Broad CategoryLibraries
Products ImpactedAPI Transformer, Code Generation, Developer Experience Portal
Tagsraml semantic validation path library

Suggested Fixes

  • If the library path is a local path, ensure that you have uploaded a ZIP file with all relevant files.
  • Make sure that the library fragment file being referenced has #%RAML 1.0 Library in the first line.
  • Ensure that the library file being referenced has valid YAML content.
  • Make sure that the path to the library fragment document is valid.
  • Make sure that the file name matches exactly with the name specified in the file path.
  • Make sure that the file exists at the path specified.
  • Make sure that the file path is accessible.
  • Remember that if the path is a relative path and begins with a /, the path will be interpreted relative to where the master RAML file exists and not your current file's location.
  • If the path is a URL ensure that the URL is publicly accessible. This means that the file is not hidden behind authentication or the URL does not use a local server.
  • If the path is a URL make sure that it is valid and does not contain any forbidden characters preventing accessibility.
  • If the path is a URL, make sure that it points directly to a valid library file.

For More Information