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This rule belongs to the swagger-v2-standards-validation ruleset and states that:

The parameters list provided using the 'parameters' property in the Operation Object must not include more than one 'body' parameter definitions. Body parameters with different names should also not be defined simultaneously in the Operation Object and Path Item Object. If multiple body parameters are found, their location will be automatically updated to formData during import/transformations in APIMatic.

Maximum SeverityError
MessageMore than one 'body' parameter found in operation parameters list.
Rule SystemSemantic
Broad CategoryOperations
Products ImpactedAPI Transformer, Code Generation, Developer Experience Portal
Tagsswagger2 swagger standards semantic validation parameters parameter body operation type

Suggested Fixes

  • Remove additional 'body' parameters from the parameters list.
  • Ensure that an entry for a body parameter does not exist both in the Path Item Object and Operation Object parameters list with different names.
  • Parameter types are compared in a case-sensitive manner.

For More Information