APIMatic CodeGen has now added support to configure the default Faraday connection
with available Faraday adapters
in Ruby SDKs.
For this support, a new keyword adapter has been added in the client initialization. The adapters default value will be adapter: Faraday.default_adapter which can be overridden with the available adapters listed here.
What has Changed?
Changes in Faraday Client
Faraday Client
will be configured with the adapter being passed from the Ruby SDK user shown below:
def create_connection(timeout:, max_retries:, retry_interval:,
backoff_factor:, retry_statuses:, retry_methods:,
adapter:, cache: false, verify: true)
Faraday.new do |faraday|
faraday.use Faraday::HttpCache, serializer: Marshal if cache
faraday.use Faraday::FollowRedirects::Middleware
faraday.request :gzip
faraday.request :multipart
faraday.request :url_encoded
faraday.ssl[:ca_file] = Certifi.where
faraday.ssl[:verify] = verify
faraday.request :retry, max: max_retries, interval: retry_interval,
backoff_factor: backoff_factor,
retry_statuses: retry_statuses,
methods: retry_methods,
retry_if: proc { |env, _exc|
env.request.context['forced_retry'] ||= false
faraday.adapter adapter
faraday.options[:params_encoder] = Faraday::FlatParamsEncoder
faraday.options[:timeout] = timeout if timeout.positive?
Changes in Configuration and Client
A new keyword adapter has been added in the configuration and client as well.
def initialize(connection: nil, adapter: Faraday.default_adapter,
timeout: 60, max_retries: 0, retry_interval: 1,
backoff_factor: 2,
retry_statuses: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522,524],
retry_methods: %i[get put], environment: 'production',additional_headers: {})
def initialize(connection: nil, adapter: Faraday.default_adapter,
timeout: 60, max_retries: 0, retry_interval: 1,
backoff_factor: 2,
retry_statuses: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524],
retry_methods: %i[get put], environment: 'production',
additional_headers: {}, config: nil)