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Announcing General Availability of APIMatic for VS Code Extension

· One min read

We are excited to announce that the APIMatic for VS Code extension is now out of beta and generally available as v1.0.0.

This major release brings you several features to help you efficiently manage your API definitions:

  • Compliance with API Specification Standards: Enforces mandatory checks for standards like OpenAPI.
  • Out-of-the-Box Lint Checks for Code Generation, Documentation and More: 542 lint rules, including 503 for OpenAPI, to ensure high-quality API definitions.
  • Auto-fixing of Common Issues: Automatically fix issues like inline anonymous schemas.
  • Enhanced Validation Experience: Dedicated views for quickly navigating and understanding validation issues.
  • Merge-aware Validation: Validate multiple API definitions before and after merging.
  • Multiple API Specification Formats: Support for OpenAPI, RAML, API Blueprint, WADL, WSDL, Postman Collections, and more.
  • API Specification Format Transformation: Easily transform between API specification formats.
  • Improved APIMatic Integration: Export API definitions directly to your APIMatic Dashboard for SDK/DX portal generation.


How to Update:

To update to the latest version, simply open Visual Studio Code, go to the Extensions view, and check for updates. Alternatively, you can install it directly from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

For more details, visit our dedicated documentation here.