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Response Information Now Better Represented In Exported WADL

· 2 min read

Information about array responses or primitive type responses was being incorrectly represented or entirely missed. We have released some fixes to improve on this.


Previously, the response type was linked directly with the response representation. These created two major problems discussed below:

No Support for Response Arrays

A response returning a Pet array object was represented as follows:

<response status="200">
<doc title="200" xml:lang="en">successful operation</doc>
<representation element="tns:Pet" mediaType="application/xml" />

Since the representation tag does not support arrays, any information about that was lost in the above case. To overcome this problem, we now create a separate model for the response definition that will wrap around the actual response definition. The model will be linked with the representation as follows:

<response status="200">
<doc title="200" xml:lang="en">successful operation</doc>
<representation element="tns:findPetsByStatus_Response" mediaType="application/xml" />

The model definition, itself, will look like this and is capable of supporting arrays:

<xs:complexType name="findPetsByStatus_Response">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="response" type="tns:Pet">
<xs:documentation>successful operation</xs:documentation>

Incorrect Reference to Primitive XSD Types

According to the WADL specification, the element attribute expects a valid reference to a type defined under the grammars section. Due to this, a primitive XSD type reference used here directly is not valid and will no longer be used as before.

This is, therefore, invalid:

<response status="200">
<doc title="200" xml:lang="en">successful operation</doc>
<representation element="xs:integer" mediaType="application/json" />

As was in the previous case, we now create a separate model for the response definitions that will wrap around the actual response definition. The model will be linked with the representation as follows:

<response status="200">
<doc title="200" xml:lang="en">successful operation</doc>
<representation element="tns:getInventory_Response" mediaType="application/json" />

The model definition, itself, will look like this:

<xs:element name="getInventory_Response" type="xs:integer" />