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OpenAPI/Swagger External Documentation Now Supported in API Transformer

· One min read

OpenAPI/Swagger allows you to include external documentation in your API description for various components. API Transformer now supports conversion of this information for both import/export of OpenAPI/Swagger files.


OpenAPI/Swagger allows you to link external documentation at four different levels in your API description:

  1. Root Object [v2.0, v3.0]
  2. Operation Object [v2.0, v3.0]
  3. Tag Object [v2.0, v3.0]
  4. Schema Object [v2.0, v3.0]

For each of the above levels, you can define an External Documentation Object against the externalDocs property. It can look like the following:

"externalDocs": {
"description": "More details can be found at:",
"url": ""

For External Documentation Object to be considered valid and transformed successfully, url must be present as it is a required property.