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Automate using the Sync API

You can automate the docs-as-code process using GitHub Actions, ensuring that any changes to your documentation are instantly deployed.

Workflow Overview

Whenever a change is pushed to the GitHub repository:

  1. The repository contents are zipped and sent to the Portal Generation Endpoint.

  2. The returned portal artifacts are downloaded, extracted, and deployed to a hosting service.


Take a look at the GitHub repository for a sample GitHub workflow.

Step 1: Fork the Sample Repository

  1. Click Fork on the top-right corner of the sample GitHub repository.

  2. Choose an Owner, provide a Repository name, and optionally add a Description.

  3. Click Create Fork.

fork repository

The forked repository contains a workflow file, DeployStaticPortal.yml, located in .github/workflows/. This file defines the steps to build and deploy the API Portal.

Step 2: Configure the Workflow

The workflow file, DeployStaticPortal.yml, executes the following steps:

  • Check out the repository.

  • Zip the repository contents.

  • Call APIMatic’s Portal Generation API.

  • Download and unzip the portal artifacts received in response.

  • Deploy the portal to Netlify.

DeployStaticPortal.yml file

name: Deploy Static Portal

- master

runs-on: ubuntu-latest


- uses: actions/checkout@v1
name : checkout-repo
id: checkout-repo

- name: Zip files
run: zip -qq -r .

- name: Call build endpoint
run: curl -X POST --url '' -H 'Authorization:X-Auth-Key ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}' -F '' -o

- name: Extract generated Portal
run: unzip -qq -d static-portal

- name: Deploy to Netlify
uses: nwtgck/actions-netlify@v1.2
publish-dir: './static-portal'
production-branch: master
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
deploy-message: "Deploy from GitHub Actions"
enable-pull-request-comment: false
enable-commit-comment: true
overwrites-pull-request-comment: true
timeout-minutes: 1

You can deploy to other platforms such as Cloudflare Pages or Azure Static Web Apps.

Step 3: Set Up Repository Secrets

Since GitHub doesn't copy secrets when forking repositories, you need to reconfigure them manually:

  1. Go to your forked GitHub repository.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Secrets > Actions.

  3. Click New repository secret and add the required credentials.

creating repo secret

Step 4: Trigger the Workflow

  • The workflow runs automatically whenever a commit is pushed to the master branch.

  • You can also manually trigger the workflow from the GitHub Actions tab.

  • Once the workflow completes, the updated portal will be available on the deployed server.

testing the github action