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Added Support for Postman Environment and Dump files

· One min read

Now you can upload a ZIP file containing your Postman Collection file along with any Postman Environment Files. That way we will extract values for your environment variables from the Environment files and give a better output during conversions on the Transformer or when importing APIs to your Manage APIs page. Support for Postman data dump files has now been added as well.


Postman supports setting up multiple environments. Each environment contains certain variables and the value of the variables will vary in each environment. You can view more details on these at Setting up an environment with variables. A postman collection file can contain references to these variables. If your postman collection file does, you can now upload a ZIP file containing the relevant Postman Environment files along with your Postman collection file.

Postman allows you to export all your collections in the form of a Postman Dump file. This dump file also contains environment variables and global variables. We now support conversion of this file by extracting the first collection in that file along with any environment information present.