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Added Table of Content in the Documentation

· One min read

We have added an autogenerated table of content in the documentation that contains all the top level headings and sub-headings. Using a table of contents make it easy to navigate through multiple sections across the documentation page. It also helps in getting a high level idea of what are the contents of the documentation before getting into the detail of it.


All the headings in the documentation generate a table of contents on the right side on the page. On clicking on any of the sections, you are navigated to the specific section.


Table of contents is only generated for the custom guides and documentation and not the API endpoints or models.

The sections are based on the headings and their levels. The heading on the first level is the first section in the table of contents and all the sub-headings form the second level sections in the table of contents. You can click on the Back to Top button to go back on the top of the page.

Table of Contents Portal