Language version and third-party dependencies have been updated in APIMatic generated SDKs.
Minimum Supported Node.js Version Raised to 14.x
APIMatic generated Node.js SDK will no longer support Node.js 12.x and Node.js 10.x.
Improved C# Code Samples
In this release, we have improved the code quality of our generated C# code samples by making them idiomatic.
Improved Java Code Samples
The generated code samples are now idiomatic with no errors. This improves the developer experience by allowing developers to run the code samples without any error in their applications and to get started quickly.
Improved PHP Code Samples
The generated PHP code samples are now idiomatic with no errors. This improves the developer experience by allowing developers to run the code samples without any error in their applications and to get started quickly.
Improved Python Code Samples
The generated code samples are now idiomatic with no errors. This improves the developer experience by allowing developers to run the code samples without any error in their applications and to get started quickly.
Improved Ruby Code Samples
The generated code samples are now idiomatic with no errors. This improves the developer experience by allowing developers to run the code samples without any error in their applications and to get started quickly.
Introducing PHP Model Builders
We have introduced builder pattern in PHP SDKs that can be used to set all model properties at once and then build the object at the end.
Introducing Dynamic Error Messages in SDKs
By default, APIMatic generated SDKs throw a generic error response on every failed API call. Now, you can customize these error responses by providing placeholders that populate at runtime.
Changes in Example Values in Code Samples
APIMatic SDKs have improved efficiency of internal processes in code sample generation. After this change, generated code samples may slightly change when SDKs are regenerated but there is no functional impact of this change.