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· 5 min read

In the improved Python SDK, fields of a custom type can now differentiate between a nullable value and a missing value and will operate according to the behavior of the type specified. This way you can either pass a value that corresponds to the type specified, use null as a value or skip the field altogether depending upon the defined behavior of the field.

· 2 min read

OAS allows you to set optional/required properties in models. While serializing a model, optional properties will be omitted if the value of property is not set (i.e. initialized with null) and, required properties will be serialized in any case. This is a case of factoring schema in oneOf/anyOf. Now with this support, you can define properties with the same names but with different optional/required constraints in request/response of an endpoint.

· 4 min read

APIMatic announces the support for multiple authenticaion schemes in Python SDKs. With the new design, it has become quite easy to configure multiple authentication schemes per SDK. All of the auth managers are instantiated at the start during the client initialization. After that their relevant auth managers can be used to apply auth schemes per endpoint as required in SDK.