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4 posts tagged with "validation"

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· One min read

Until now, our custom validation rules supported Pattern, Order, and Length verification methods. This allowed us to enforce specific patterns for property values, restrict property lengths, and validate alphabetical ordering within OpenAPI definitions.

We're excited to introduce a new verification method: "Required."

With this update, you can now mark a property as required - even if OpenAPI standards don't enforce it. This means greater flexibility in defining custom validation rules, including support for vendor extensions.

· 3 min read

We have significantly revamped the content of our validation messages shown when importing/transforming API specifications or generating artifacts like SDKs/Portal, etc. in order to make it easier for our end-users to quickly understand issues and apply relevant fixes.

· 5 min read

Based on internal and customer feedback, we have revamped our validation messages shown to users during import or generation of artifacts like SDKs/Portal, etc. This release improves message content, introduces a couple of new validation messages and changes severity of some of the older messages.