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72 posts tagged with "Improvement"

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· 2 min read

We have changed the structure of the Angular SDK to break cyclic dependencies. Due to this, the following changes have been made:

  • Model deserialization logic has moved out from model files.
  • We have added new files ObjectMapper.js and ModelFactory.js to the SDK.
  • BaseModel is now being used to assign values to model properties (when model class is directly instantiated)
  • BaseController has been added to the SDK.

Please generate your SDK again to get the improved code.

· 2 min read

Since we're always working on improving our generated SDK's, today we're announcing some major work done on the Angular.js SDK.

  • Angular.js generated code is now standard compliant.
  • The standard we're using is John Papa's Angular1 Style Guide.
  • The linter can be run from the command-line by using the command jshint <folder-name-to-lint>.
  • The configuration file for the linter will be included with the SDK from now.

Please generated your SDK again to get the standard compliant code.

· One min read

We've made an improvement to how model properties are now generated in the code. The generated SDK now contains both camel case-d version of the property name and the actual property name (where applicable).
Read on to find more details about the change.

Please generate your SDK again to get the improved code.

· 3 min read

We have changed the structure of the SDK to break cyclic dependencies. Due to this, the following changes have been made:

  • Model deserialization logic has moved out from model classes.
  • We have added new files ObjectMapper.js and ModelFactory.js to the sdk.
  • Exception handling in BaseController has changed to use ObjectMapper.
  • BaseModel is now being used to assign values to model properties (when model class is directly instantiated)
  • BaseController is not being exposed by the API Client now.

Please generate your SDK again to get the improved code.

· 3 min read

Keeping with our tradition of Continuous Improvement, we are proud to announce a major revamp of NodeJS SDKs!

  • Our code now conforms with Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide.
  • We are using ES6 classes, along with other ES6 primitives.
  • You can run npm run lint to lint your code immediately.
  • We generate CI/CD files for Travis, CircleCi, Appveyor and Jenkins to run NodeJS tests.

Please generate your SDK again if you want the improved ES6 based code.

· One min read

A new file, Module.js has been added to the Angular SDKs. It defines the module of the SDK along with its dependencies. This is not a breaking change. Everything should work as before, this is just to make it easier to specify the modules that the SDK depends upon.