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GitHub App Overview


The APIMatic OpenAPI Linter is a GitHub App designed to help you maintain high-quality OpenAPI definitions that are optimized for code generation and API documentation. With over 1200 built-in rules, this tool validates your OpenAPI definitions to ensure that they meet the standards necessary for generating clean, efficient code and API portals.

This GitHub App integrates seamlessly with your repositories to provide automatic validation of OpenAPI definitions whenever a pull request (PR) is created or updated, ensuring that your definitions are always in top shape.


This App is currently in beta. For access, please contact

Key Features

  • 1200+ Built-in Rules: Lints your OpenAPI definitions with a focus on quality code generation and API documentation.
  • Continuous Integration: Validates OpenAPI definitions after every pull request to ensure consistent code quality.
  • GitHub Checks: Displays validation results directly in the PR, helping you identify issues before merging.
  • Detailed Validation Reports: Generates detailed audit reports that can be shared and reviewed by your team.
  • Multiple Definitions Support: Supports validating multiple OpenAPI definitions in the same repository.
  • Customizable Configuration: Tailor the app to your needs, such as enabling/disabling GitHub checks or selecting specific definitions to validate.

Exploring GitHub App's Components

Validation Summary in PRs

  • Single OpenAPI Definition: When a single OpenAPI definition is validated, the app adds a summary comment to the PR showing the validation results.

    Single Validation Summary

  • Multiple OpenAPI Definitions: If your PR modifies multiple OpenAPI definitions, and you have listed their paths in .apimaticsettings.json, each definition will have a separate validation result displayed in a collapsible format.

    Multiple Validation Summary

  • Merging Multiple Definitions: If you're merging multiple OpenAPI definitions into one, the app validates both individual and merged definitions. The PR comment will include a validation summary for the merged API definition.

    Merged Definition Validation

  • Detailed Audit Report: After the validation summary, a link to the full audit report is provided. Click the link to view a detailed breakdown of the validation results, including specific rule violations and suggestions for fixing them.

Audit Report Link

GitHub Checks Integration

  • Successful Validation: If all checks pass, you can merge the PR.

  • Validation Errors: If the validation fails, GitHub will mark the check as failed, but you can choose to skip the checks if IgnoreValidationErrors is set to true.

  • Configuration Errors: If there are any configuration issues (e.g., unauthorized installation, missing configuration file, or incorrect file paths), the app will provide appropriate notifications.
