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· One min read

Support in Transformer for features of OpenAPI like API contact information and global tags has been added. In addition to this, improvements have been made to our Postman parsers including preservation of order of requests, support for folder descriptions and not nesting ungrouped endpoints into folders.

· 2 min read

We've rewritten our Developer Experience portal and are releasing it as a major version. The new version introduces several new features in addition to bug fixes to some long-standing issues.

Check out the changes and how to migrate to the new portal.

· One min read

We have updated our Android SDKs to use version 3.0.1 of the Android Plugin for Gradle, and have upgraded the Gradle version to 4.1.

The minimum SDK version has been raised to 16 and the target SDK version has been raised to 26.

Please regenerate your Android SDKs if you wish to get these changes.

· One min read

Our GO SDK has been revamped pertaining to multiple bug fixes and new features.

  • It now supports OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token for authentication in the generated SDKs.
  • It now has a base client that can be used as a single point of entry for the SDK.
  • The singleton architecture for clients has been removed to ease up the use in multiple user environments.
  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements.