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63 posts tagged with "Improvement"

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· One min read

We have updated our Android SDKs to use version 3.0.1 of the Android Plugin for Gradle, and have upgraded the Gradle version to 4.1.

The minimum SDK version has been raised to 16 and the target SDK version has been raised to 26.

Please regenerate your Android SDKs if you wish to get these changes.

· One min read

Our Transformer tool has been supporting HTTP Archive (HAR) format for a long time now. With the addition of new features to our APIMatic tool (e.g. support of multiple servers), there were a few updates required in our HAR parsers. In this regard, several missing features were added and some bugs were also fixed.

· One min read

We have recently revamped our support for XML schema. This includes bug fixes (array types and optional properties were not catered in some cases, issues with circular references, etc.) and addition of missing features (Union of simple types, redefinition of schema types, etc.).

· One min read

Swagger allows schema inheritance through the use of property "discriminator" in the base schema. During conversions on Transformer/ Dashboard the base type information for child schemas was not being extracted properly and this bug has now been fixed. Additionally, Open API 3.0 export has been improved by eliminating several bugs e.g. some extra disallowed properties were being exported and some required properties and discriminator details were missing.