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OLM Deployment of Operator

The other method to run the APIMatic Operator is through the OLM Deployment. OLM is a component of the Operator Framework, an open source toolkit to manage Kubernetes native applications called Operators in an effective, automated, and scalable way.

To utilize Operator LifeCycle Manager (OLM) to deploy the APIMatic operator, follow the detailed steps given below.

  1. Clone the APIMatic repository into your working directory using the git clone command.
git clone
  1. Install OLM in your Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Run the following script to install the resources required by OLM to deploy the APIMatic operator in the Kubernetes cluster within the apimatic-system namespace. Information about the different resources required can be found using the steps given in the Operator Framework Docs.

kubectl apply -f olm/manifests.yaml
  1. This should spin up the ClusterServiceVersion of the operator in the apimatic-system namespace, following which the operator pod will spin up. To ensure that the operator installed successfully, check for the ClusterServiceVersion and the operator deployment in the namespace it was installed in using kubectl get command.
kubectl get csv -n apimatic-system

kubectl get deployment -n apimatic-system
  1. Create a secret named apimaticimagesecret using the kubectl create secret command to allow pulling the APIMatic CodeGen image using the Docker Hub username registered with APIMatic. If you have not done so, please contact for the steps required.
kubectl create secret docker-registry apimaticimagesecret --docker-server= --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
  1. Create a configmap resource named apimaticlicense that will serve as the volume storing the APIMatic license. An example of this is given below which will create the ConfigMap using the License.lic file located at /user/local/apimatic/license/.
kubectl create configmap apimaticlicense --from-file /usr/local/apimatic/license/License.lic
  1. This will deploy a ConfigMap resource with the following definition:
apiVersion: v1
License.lic: \"<License file contents here>\"
kind: ConfigMap
name: apimaticlicense
namespace: default
  1. Now run the sample using the kubectl apply command.
kubectl apply -f config/samples/apicodegen_v1beta1_apimatic.yaml
  1. You will now see a new Deployment with replica count of 3 and Service of type NodePort created, both named apimatic-sample. Accessing http://localhost:32000 from your browser (or using curl from within the Minikube or Kind cluster, if using that) should now show the APIMatic Titan page.

  2. You can now use the exposed APIMatic CodeGen API to generate API SDKs and Docs using curl, Postman or your own custom Web application that consumes the APIMatic CodeGen API service.

  3. Once done, you can remove the APIMatic operator resources using the kubectl delete script.

kubectl delete -f olm/manifests.yaml