Language version and third-party dependencies have been updated in APIMatic generated SDKs.
47 posts tagged with "New"
View All TagsMinimum Supported Node.js Version Raised to 14.x
APIMatic generated Node.js SDK will no longer support Node.js 12.x and Node.js 10.x.
Introducing PHP Model Builders
We have introduced builder pattern in PHP SDKs that can be used to set all model properties at once and then build the object at the end.
Introducing Dynamic Error Messages in SDKs
By default, APIMatic generated SDKs throw a generic error response on every failed API call. Now, you can customize these error responses by providing placeholders that populate at runtime.
Introducing Core Libraries in Ruby
APIMatic has introduced core libraries to provide a stable runtime that powers all functionality of our SDKs. In this release, we have revamped our Ruby SDKs to improve the code quality and provide better test coverage.
Introducing Core Library in C#
APIMatic has introduced core library to provide a stable runtime that powers all functionality of our SDKs. In this release, we have revamped our C# SDKs to improve the code quality and provide better test coverage.
Support Added for Password Format in API Transformer for OpenAPI (v2.0 and above)
We are pleased to announce that we have added the support for password
schema format in API Transformer so that you can now transform between OpenAPI specification versions (v2.0 and above) without losing this information.
Introducing Core Libraries in Python
APIMatic has introduced core libraries to provide a stable runtime that powers all functionality of our SDKs. In this release, we have revamped our Python SDKs to improve the code quality and provide better test coverage.
Introducing Core Libraries in Java
APIMatic has introduced core libraries to provide a stable runtime that powers all functionality of our SDKs. In this release, we have revamped our Java SDKs to improve the code quality and provide better test coverage.
Introducing Core Libraries in PHP
APIMatic has introduced core libraries to provide a stable runtime that powers all functionality of our SDKs. In this release, we have revamped our PHP SDKs to improve the code quality and provide better test coverage.