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Array Serialization Formats

APIs implement various array serialization schemes based on their specific use cases. To ensure broad compatibility, APIMatic supports six array serialization methods for query and form parameters: Indexed, UnIndexed, Plain, CSV, PSV, and TSV.

Configure Array Serialization

To leverage this feature, use the ArraySerialization CodeGen setting to define your preferred array serialization format. The default format is Indexed:

"info": {
"x-codegen-settings": {
"ArraySerialization": "Indexed"

Serialization Formats and Examples

The following formats are supported for form and query parameters:

Indexed array serialization includes an explicit index for each value.


Usage in SDK

Array serialization can be utilized during request construction or deserialization within SDKs generated using APIMatic. Here’s a usage example:

const businessAsset: number[] = [

async function makeApiCall() {
try {
const { result, ...httpResponse } = await controller.getArraySerializedInQuery(businessAsset);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ApiError) {
const errors = error.result;