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Supported Versions and Dependencies

This page lists the supported language/framework versions and dependencies in each of the SDKs generated by APIMatic.

Supported SDK Language Versions

This table lists all supported versions for each supported SDK language.

Language/PlatformSupported Versions
C# (a.k.a .NET).NET Standard 2.0. See compatibility table.
Note that our SDK uses C# language version 7.3.
JavaVersion 8+
PHPVersion 7.2 to 8.2
PythonVersion 3.7 to 3.11
RubyVersion >= 2.6
TypeScriptTypeScript Version 4+
For Node.js environment: Node.js Version 14+
For the browser environment: All modern browsers are supported. For older browsers, some polyfills might be needed.
GoVersion >= 1.18

Reference: .NET Standard Versions
This table shows the compatibility of .NET Standard 2.0 (used in our SDK right now) with .NET Core, .NET Framework and other .NET platforms’ versions.

.NET Standard


Supported Dependencies

This section covers all mandatory and optional dependencies for each SDK along with any specific use cases where the dependency may be required.

Java SDK

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
core>= 0.4.0 < 0.5.0MandatoryAll SDKs
core-interfaces>= 0.1.0 < 0.2.0MandatoryAll SDKs
okhttp-client-adapter>= 0.1.0 < 0.2.0MandatoryAll SDKs
junit4.13.2OptionalIn case of test cases
jackson-jsog1.1.1OptionalIn case of jsog Identity type in models

C# Standard Project

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
APIMatic.Core>= 0.3.0MandatoryAll standard projects
Microsoft.CSharp4.7.0MandatoryAll standard projects
System.Xml.XmlSerializer4.3.0OptionalIf ApiUsesXml is true
JsonSubTypes2.0.1OptionalIf ApiHasDiscriminator is true
Microsoft.Bcl.HashCode1.1.1OptionalIf EnableImmutableModels is true

C# Test Project

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk17.5.0MandatoryAll test projects
NUnit3.13.3MandatoryAll test projects
NUnit3TestAdapter4.3.1MandatoryAll test projects

Python SDK

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
apimatic-core~=0.2.0MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic-core-interfaces~=0.1.0MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic-requests-client-adapter~=0.1.0MandatoryAll SDKs
python-dateutil~=2.8.1MandatoryAll SDKs
enum34~=1.1, >=1.1.10OptionalIf the API uses models
pytest>=7.2.2OptionalIn case of tests
jsonschema~=3.2.0OptionalIn case of oneOf/anyOf

Ruby SDK

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
apimatic_core_interfaces~> 0.2MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic_core~> 0.3MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic_faraday_client_adapter~> 0.1MandatoryAll SDKs
minitest~> 5.14, >= 5.14.1OptionalIn case of tests
minitest-proveit~> 1.0OptionalIn case of tests
nokogiri~> 1.10, >=1.10.10OptionalIn case of XML


DependencyVersionMandatory/DevelopmentUse Cases
apimatic/core>=0.3.0 <0.4.0MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic/core-interfaces>=0.1.0 <0.2.0MandatoryAll SDKs
apimatic/unirest-php>=4.0.0 <5.0.0MandatoryAll SDKs
ext-jsonlatestMandatoryAll SDKs
squizlabs/php_codesniffer>=3.5 <4.0DevelopmentIf CodegenSetting.DisableLinting is false
phan/phan5.4.2DevelopmentIf CodegenSetting.DisableLinting is false
phpunit/phpunit>=7.5 <10.0DevelopmentIn case of tests

TypeScript SDK

DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
@apimatic/schema^0.7.0MandatoryAll SDKs
@apimatic/core^0.10.0MandatoryAll SDKs
@apimatic/authentication-adapters^0.5.0MandatoryAll SDKs
@apimatic/axios-client-adapter^0.2.0MandatoryAll SDKs
xml2js^0.4.23OptionalFor XML
typescript^4.9.5MandatoryAll SDKs
tslib^2.5.0MandatoryAll SDKs
@types/xml2js^0.4.5OptionalFor XML
@types/jest^29.4.0MandatoryAll SDKs
jest^29.4.3MandatoryAll SDKs
ts-jest^29.0.5MandatoryAll SDKs
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin^5.52.0MandatoryAll SDKs
@typescript-eslint/parser^5.52.0MandatoryAll SDKs
eslint^8.34.0MandatoryAll SDKs


DependencyVersionMandatory/OptionalUse Cases
apimatic/go-core-runtime0.0.13MandatoryAll SDKs