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10 posts tagged with "Android"

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· 2 min read

We have added a new CodeGen setting that allows you to specify a list of words that Code Generation will not split when converting identifiers from API specification to language-specific identifiers. This is useful for declaring brand names such as APIMatic.

E.g. if you provide the words apimatic and vmware in your the list, APIMaticandvmWare becomes ApimaticAndVmware or apimatic_and_vmware, depending on the place of use.

· One min read

We have updated our Android SDKs to use version 3.0.1 of the Android Plugin for Gradle, and have upgraded the Gradle version to 4.1.

The minimum SDK version has been raised to 16 and the target SDK version has been raised to 26.

Please regenerate your Android SDKs if you wish to get these changes.

· One min read

There was a bug where the Discriminator field was not being set by default.

When creating an instance of a model that inherited from another model, the discriminator field was not assigned a default value.

This behavior has now been fixed. Please regenerate your SDK to get the fix.