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30 posts tagged with "Bug Fix"

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There was a bug with generating default environment in NodeJS configuration file. The default environment was overridden to be the PRODUCTION environment even if some other environment was chosen in the Server Configuration.

This bug has been fixed now. If you are using an API with multiple environments and encountered a problem with default environment selection before, please generate the SDK again to get the fix.

· One min read

There was a bug in Python SDKs which were using OAuth2.

  • When updating the OAuth token, the compiler was trying to set the expiry time by adding an int and a string.

This bug has now been fixed. Please regenerate your Python SDKs if you're using OAuth 2 to get this fix.

· One min read

There was a bug in Ruby SDKs which were using OAuth2.

  • When updating the OAuth token, the compiler was trying to set the expiry time by adding an int and a string.

Besides this, there were a couple of edge cases that allowed Ruby SDKs to be generated, and even the gem to be built and installed, but the code would not execute because of the following reasons:

  • require statements in the base file were not being split into multiple lines correctly. This splitting is done to ensure compliance with The Ruby Style Guide
  • New line characters in the descriptions for models/enums/exceptions were not being dealt with, causing a comment to spill over into the next line.

These bugs have now been fixed. Please regenerate your Ruby SDKs to get the fixes.

· One min read

There was a bug where the Discriminator field was not being set by default.

When creating an instance of a model that inherited from another model, the discriminator field was not assigned a default value.

This behavior has now been fixed. Please regenerate your SDK to get the fix.

· One min read

Several minor and major bug fixes were made to the Postman (1.0, 2.0) import and export. These fixes were relevant to issues in parsing request URLs containing environment variables and in parsing port information in Postman 2.0.

· One min read

There was a problem with the datetime implementation in AngularJS. Date/datetime strings were not correctly converted into objects. Instead, strings were being sent and received within the SDK. This problem has now been fixed.

Please generate your SDK again to get this fix.

· One min read

There was a bug in the AngularJS SDK in sending complex types (models) as Form and Body Parameters.

In cases of endpoints which accept model instances as form/body parameters, models were not being serialized properly before making the endpoint call. This resulted in camel-cased field values being passed, disregarding the correct API names.

This behavior has now been fixed. Please generate your SDK again to get the fix.

· One min read

There was a bug in the Node.js SDK in sending complex types (models) as Form Parameters.

In cases of endpoints which accept model instances as form parameters, models were not being serialized properly before making the endpoint call. This resulted in camel-cased field values being passed, disregarding the correct API names.

This behavior has now been fixed. Please generate your SDK again to get the fix.

· One min read

There was a problem with the datetime implementation in Node.js. Date/datetime strings were not correctly converted into objects. Instead, strings were being sent and received within the SDK. This problem has now been fixed.

Please generate your SDK again to get this fix.

· One min read

There was an issue in code generation for PHP SDKs where the model classes (custom types) had fields with incorrect PHP typehints. This lead to the JsonMapper mapping responses incorrectly to models during deserialization. However, this only occurred when a model had fields that were described as optional in the API description and no default value was provided.

Re-generate your PHP SDK to get the fix.