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20 posts tagged with "Ruby"

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· One min read

There was a bug in the implementation of the Unindexed and Plain array serialization formats in Ruby SDKs. Arrays of models were not being properly encoded as form fields for the two mentioned formats.

Additionally, a bug in the initialization of inherited models caused duplication in fields with names longer than one word.

Both these bugs have now been fixed. Please regenerate your Ruby SDKs to get this fix.

· One min read

There was a bug in Ruby SDKs which were using OAuth2.

  • When updating the OAuth token, the compiler was trying to set the expiry time by adding an int and a string.

Besides this, there were a couple of edge cases that allowed Ruby SDKs to be generated, and even the gem to be built and installed, but the code would not execute because of the following reasons:

  • require statements in the base file were not being split into multiple lines correctly. This splitting is done to ensure compliance with The Ruby Style Guide
  • New line characters in the descriptions for models/enums/exceptions were not being dealt with, causing a comment to spill over into the next line.

These bugs have now been fixed. Please regenerate your Ruby SDKs to get the fixes.

· One min read

SDKs generated by APIMATIC now support logging events!

  • Logging-enabled SDKs will log important events in the API lifecycle to the console, log file or another logging backend.
  • Logging backends are configurable. You can even plug-in a logging service like Loggly or Sentry into your SDKs.
  • Easily monitor your SDK usage and find bugs when they occur.

· One min read

An unexpected additional ')' existed in the generated Ruby code if the SDK had a Datetime property in a model. The syntax error was eliminated by removing this bracket.

Please regenerate your Ruby SDK to get the bug fix.