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· One min read

There was a bug in the index file of the generated SDK. The import for configuration.js was not handled correctly. This bug was causing trouble in using the properties and functions exported from configuration.js.

You may generate your SDK again to get this bug fix.

· One min read

We encountered an error with custom types import in our Node SDK (with test cases). Custom Types which had spaces in between 2 words like Custom Type, or any special characters in their name were not being generated correctly. Causing the SDK to break.

This bug has been fixed now. Please regenerate your SDK if you encountered this bug.

· One min read

Node JS SDKs now come with retries for requests. We allow retries for the following cases:

  • GET requests only.
  • General connection errors.
  • Timeout errors.
  • DNS address resolution failure errors.

Re-generate your Node JS SDKs now to get this new feature.

· One min read

There was a bug being generated in the package.json file with Node SDKs that had no test cases. The bug was related to trailing commas being generated in the package file's dependencies. Causing the package file to not resolve dependencies. The bug has been fixed now.

Please regenerate your NodeJS SDK to get the bug fix