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56 posts tagged with "New Feature"

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· One min read

We are excited to announce the latest addition to our long list of supported platforms. Our C# section now has a new template for a .NET Standard library in addition to the already supported PCL and UWP templates. This library targets .Net Standard 1.3.

· One min read

Usage of discriminators is already supported by our code generation engine. We are happy to announce that now support for using discriminators has also been added to AngularJS SDK.

  • Discriminator is a field that is used to differentiate between a parent model and models that inherit from it.
  • The response is deserialized into the parent model or one of its child classes by inspecting the discriminator field's value in the response.
  • Using a discriminator field, you can build leaner models by not having to build unions of fields needed by a polymorphic response.

Please generate your SDK again if you want to use this feature.

· One min read

Usage of discriminators is already supported by our code generation engine. We are happy to announce that now support for using discriminators has also been added to Node.

  • Discriminator is a field that is used to differentiate between a parent model and models that inherit from it.
  • The response is deserialized into the parent model or one of its child classes by inspecting the discriminator field's value in the response.
  • Using a discriminator field, you can build leaner models by not having to build unions of fields needed by a polymorphic response.

Please generate your SDK again if you want to use this feature.

· One min read

You can now set Composer Package Name for PHP SDKs being generated.

This will affect the name generated in the composer.json file. Leaving it empty will generate the a fallback package name based on your API name.

· One min read

Now you can upload a ZIP file containing your Postman Collection file along with any Postman Environment Files. That way we will extract values for your environment variables from the Environment files and give a better output during conversions on the Transformer or when importing APIs to your Manage APIs page. Support for Postman data dump files has now been added as well.

· 2 min read

NodeJS SDKs will now return promises in endpoint calls, as an alternative to accepting callbacks.

  • We use ES6 Promises which is based on Promises/A+ and is interoperable with most Promise-based implementations.
  • Callbacks are still supported (for backward-compatibility) but are now optional.

Re-generate your NodeJS SDK to get the new Promise-enabled SDK implementation now.