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28 posts tagged with "PHP"

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· One min read

You can now set Composer Package Name for PHP SDKs being generated.

This will affect the name generated in the composer.json file. Leaving it empty will generate the a fallback package name based on your API name.

· One min read

APIMatic Code Generation engine now supports polymorphic responses with the help of a discriminator field.

  • Discriminator is a field that is used to differentiate between a parent model and models that inherit from it.
  • The response is deserialized into the parent model or one of its child classes by inspecting the discriminator field's value in the response.
  • Using a discriminator field, you can build leaner models by not having to build unions of fields needed by a polymorphic response.

Check out the Discriminator documentation to get started.

· One min read

There was an issue in code generation for PHP SDKs where the model classes (custom types) had fields with incorrect PHP typehints. This lead to the JsonMapper mapping responses incorrectly to models during deserialization. However, this only occurred when a model had fields that were described as optional in the API description and no default value was provided.

Re-generate your PHP SDK to get the fix.

· One min read

A bug in PHP SDKs being generated lead to custom Error Exception Models not being deserialized properly from the response when an API error occurred. This was caused by an error in the unbox() function in the custom Exception class. It has now been fixed.

If you were using custom Error Exceptions, then please re-generate your PHP SDKs to get the fix.

· One min read

A logical error in the PHP SDKs being generated lead to a variable, _httpContext, being undefined in some cases. This resulted in a Fatal error when an APIException was expected to be thrown.

Please regenerate your PHP SDK to get the bug fix.